Introducing VR-English.com
Learning to use English correctly based on the situation can be as big of challenge for ESL students as grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Using English correctly in different situations requires cultural knowledge that is difficult for non-native speakers. For ESL students, Virtual Reality English conversation practice can shed light on problem areas students would not…
Chinese CDN List for Developers Abroad
Here’s a list of CDN that operate in China and seem to be well maintained/stable. Baidu CDN http://cdn.code.baidu.com/ Boot CDN http://www.bootcdn.cn/ Sina CDN http://lib.sinaapp.com/ Upai CDN http://jscdn.upai.com/ CDN JS https://cdnjs.com/ StaticFile https://www.staticfile.org/ This website offers clones of google fonts and public files for China. http://libs.useso.com/ They mainly offer the standard JS libraries and frameworks like…
Hide or show element if checkbox input is checked
For example, if you wish to hide or show a textbox based on if a checkbox is selected: HTML: <input id=”showTextbox” type=”checkbox” /> <textarea id=”textbox”></textarea> JS if($(“#showTextbox”).is(‘:checked’)) $(“#textbox”).show(); // checked else $(“#textbox”).hide(); // unchecked
Remove yellow background for Google Adsense ads that don’t fill all of intended space
Ever see an ad that didn’t fill the whole space it was intended for? Then the extra space changes an awful shade of yellow? Finally, the answer to this problem is as easy as adding a line of CSS. Change the background color of the ins element in CSS to match the background color of…
HTML5 Quickstart Template – Mobile Viewport, CSS3, Google Font, Latest jQuery – All Ready
Whenever I want to quickly make a webpage, I don’t want to have to build the whole page everytime. Here is my starter code for an HTML5 page. The key points are : HTML5 Doctype – Ready Viewport and Mobile – Ready Title tags, Character Set, Keyword and Description Meta, Favicon, Stylesheet tags – Ready…
How to get a substring of Chinese or Japanese text without cutting off characters in PHP?
I used to try to get substrings of Chinese text and would get partial characters than came out as strange diamonds or squares…. until I found the mb_strcut() function! When using PHP, avoid using the substr() function, as it will often cut off Chinese and Japanese characters. For example: $text = ‘拿小锤锤的那个人好可爱的说,哈哈哈,生活太有爱了,加油加油了’; echo substr($text, 0,…
Google Site Map Generator and Broken Link Checker
Found two great sites today to help create a sitemap for google and find broken links. It indexed over 3000 pages and helped me discover 2 big broken links. It even pointed me to which line in the code the broken link was found. Great websites~ http://www.web-site-map.com/ http://www.brokenlinkcheck.com/
Submit your website to Chinese Search Engines
Here are several URLs you can go to if you want to add your website to Chinese search engines for free. Google China http://www.google.com/intl/zh-CN/add_url.html Yahoo! China http://search.help.cn.yahoo.com/h4_4.html Sohu http://db.sohu.com/regurl/regform.asp?Step=REGFORM&class= Baidu http://www.baidu.com/search/url_submit.html MSN China http://beta.search.msn.com.cn/docs/submit.aspx?FORM=WSDD2 Yisousou http://www.yisousou.com/join.jsp 免费推广网站地址
Google Trends – compare keywords and website activity trends
Google offers a new tool to learn the trends of keywords and websites. You simply type in the words you want to compare (non-English words are ok too) into the input box. Google Trends then provides you a chart of the search patterns using these key words over the past few years. You can do…