Toll of Shadows – Released
The newest book by Jace Epple, Toll of Shadows. Available at jaceepple.com. Jace Epple has written three books: THE MACABRE BOX, ODDIVES, and TOLL OF SHADOWS. They are story collections of horror and fantasy in the vein of Edgar Allen Poe, Stephen King, and Rod Serling.
Introducing VR-English.com
Learning to use English correctly based on the situation can be as big of challenge for ESL students as grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Using English correctly in different situations requires cultural knowledge that is difficult for non-native speakers. For ESL students, Virtual Reality English conversation practice can shed light on problem areas students would not…
Chinese CDN List for Developers Abroad
Here’s a list of CDN that operate in China and seem to be well maintained/stable. Baidu CDN http://cdn.code.baidu.com/ Boot CDN http://www.bootcdn.cn/ Sina CDN http://lib.sinaapp.com/ Upai CDN http://jscdn.upai.com/ CDN JS https://cdnjs.com/ StaticFile https://www.staticfile.org/ This website offers clones of google fonts and public files for China. http://libs.useso.com/ They mainly offer the standard JS libraries and frameworks like…
VR English Version 1.3 for iPhone – Released!
Minted Sky Studios, creator of FindEnglishTeacher.com, the successful online English learning tool, announced today their new iOS application called VR English. VR English is an education app that is powered by Minted Sky’s wildly successful REAL-LIFE conversation training system. The ultimate goal of the new app is to help English as a Second Language (ESL)…
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star – Explore the Solar System (for kids)
This new animated video was made to help our little explorers enjoy learning about the planets to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. The little red rocket blasts into space to explore the solar system and beyond. Made for KidsPowerTV.com, moderated for kids, with videos kids like to watch that are fun and safe.
New JSON Pretty Printer
Created a new JSON Pretty Printer that formats JSON data into readable text. Other attributes include: Back Button Clear Function Autofocus to Input Box Prints Post Data Size Visit mintedsky.com/devtools or json.mintedsky.com
Hide or show element if checkbox input is checked
For example, if you wish to hide or show a textbox based on if a checkbox is selected: HTML: <input id=”showTextbox” type=”checkbox” /> <textarea id=”textbox”></textarea> JS if($(“#showTextbox”).is(‘:checked’)) $(“#textbox”).show(); // checked else $(“#textbox”).hide(); // unchecked
Make arrow buttons always be shown within html number input
To make sure the arrows always show when using a number type input box try: input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button { opacity: 1; }
New website added! KidsPowerTV.com
Introducing KidsPowerTV, the new website and Youtube Channel designed for kids. We are starting with fun, easy going, entertaining videos to help parents teach and young children to learn fundamental knowledge. Our first video illustrates our style of fun, relaxing, and designed with young people in mind.
Remove yellow background for Google Adsense ads that don’t fill all of intended space
Ever see an ad that didn’t fill the whole space it was intended for? Then the extra space changes an awful shade of yellow? Finally, the answer to this problem is as easy as adding a line of CSS. Change the background color of the ins element in CSS to match the background color of…